Friday, September 14, 2012

Are you getting the full potential out of your workouts?

 Are you getting full potential out of your workouts?

Are you spending hours at the gym and no longer seeing results? You may need to change it up.     Cardio is time consuming and can only benefit you so much after a while. There is another section of the gym that you may not be familiar with. It is called the weight room. And this could be a very vital component of your workout that you might be missing out on.

Why lift weights? Lifting weights increases your muscle mass. Let’s do a simple math problem:

 More muscle = higher metabolism. Higher metabolism = weight loss.
Therefore, more muscle = weight loss!

Muscle mass needs extra energy just to be there. You burn an extra 50 calories per day for each pound of muscle you have. So a few extra pounds of muscle that you could gain with weight training can make you lose weight without even trying! How awesome is that?

And this doesn’t include the calories you burn during and after a weight training workout.

Other benefits of resistance training?
·         You will look bad ass in the weight room
·         Your clothes will fit better
·         You’ll look better
·         You’ll sleep better
·         And on, and on, and on!