Friday, August 3, 2012

Fed tip #1

This happens to me every time I go to Walmart..
I get really restless, pissy, hungry, and just ticked off at everyone I see, mainly from people standing in the main aisles with there 10 kids running around all crazy.. Also the smell of Mcdonalds....
This syndrome is called Low Blood Sugar.
I only get low blood sugars when I go to walmart (anxiety causes it I'm pretty sure in this case). & When I workout Sometimes. (another later post).
Low blood sugar is something I would get all the time. I would eat every 2 hours because of it. I thought it was cool because I had a "fast metabolism". HA! I know better now.
The average American eats about 1000 calories in grains a day.. that's 1/3 to a half of all calories. The problem with grains AKA carbohydrates? They turn to sugar as soon as they hit your tongue. I wont go into science, but when you eat sugars (grains are a sugar by the way) it raises your blood sugar. Since our bodies always want homeostasis, insulin is secreted by the pancreas and takes that extra sugar and stores it in our FAT cells as nasty, blubbery fat. Most of the time, our body over estimates how much insulin to secrete, usually secreting too much, causing our blood sugar to dip too low. When it's too low, we get hungry, cranky, dizzy, sick feeling. What do most American's then do? Eats a fricken granola/candy bar... What do granola/candy bars have in common with a bag of sugar? Everything! Soooo our blood sugar rises AGAIN.. And it's a vicious cycle of highs and lows... Our body can never get to a stable level.... (Over time this can cause diabetes, but that's a different post..)

Long story short.... STOP EATING PROCESSED CARBS & SUGARS. You will never feel full for long! Hence the "Chinese Food Syndrome" of being hungry an hour later after being stuffed.. (thanks go out to my sister Melissa for asking me this question yesterday!)
How to stay full without having to eat all the time :
Eat a lot of fat! The good fat! Fat from animal sources and only oils such as coconut, & olive.
Eat more fat by adding to your protein & vegetable dishes. Cook with grass-fed butter & bacon fat. Eat avacados! (top chicken with homemade guac.. YUM).
As long as you're not a vegetarian, you should get a good source of fat if you eat meat at every meal. I mean real meat: steak, chicken, pork chops, hamburger, etc.

Start your mornings off will a lot of protein & fat. Add whole whipping cream and/or melted coconut oil to your coffee (no sugar). Eat leftover pot roast for breakfast too!
Remember. Quality vs. Quantity... Suuure fat has 9 calories/gram when carbs are 4/gram.. But if you're eating 3 times as much carbs to equal the fulfillment of fat...Well you do the math. Doesn't make much sense does it?
Don't be afraid of fat. Eating fat does not equal fat storage... ONLY if you combine them with a lot of carbs. (Pies, cakes, candies, cookies, brownies, etc etc) (but usually it's the carbs that do it anyways)
p.s. Nature's carbs in moderation are important to eat depending on your activity level!. (Sweet potatoes, fruits, vegis, squashs, honey.)

Hope you can apply this to your life! Once you're independent of blood sugar lows, your life feels so liberated!

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